Revolution Slider worth 15$
Revolution Slider can be used on the homepage and is worth 15$. You get it for nothing with this theme. A few features of Revolution Slider:
- Image and Thumbs fully resizable.
- Using CSS Animation with FallBack to jQuery
- Unlimited Caption Layers
- Captions like Video, Image and html tags can be easily created
- Unlimited Slides
- iPhone & Android Swipe Touch enabled
- Vimeo & Youtube Supported
LayerSlider worth 15$
LayerSlider can be used on the homepage and is worth 15$. You get it for nothing with this theme. A few features of LayerSlider:
- 5 displaying modes (normal, responsive, full-width, full-width + responsive & full-width + responsiveUnder.
- Smart resizing and repositioning image, video and also text sublayers in responsive modes including font-sizes, line-heights, etc.).
- Unlimited types of usage (image slider, image slider with text, content slider, video gallery slider, mixed content slider, etc…).
- Unlimited variations of animations.
- 3 types of navigation controls (thumbnail mode, hover thumbnails with buttons & buttons only) with auto hide feature
- Use with ANY HTML content (including images, embedded videos, text, forms, flash content and anything you need!)
- Supports all major browsers (including IE7 )